{Mantra Monday} Forgiveness

Last year, I was verbally assaulted by a teacher. I deserved a lot more, but all I wanted was and apology. I never got one. Even writing this is making me angry. Really angry. I want to name the teacher so badly, but that wouldn’t be in the spirit of forgiveness. I need to forgive, because if I don’t they win.

Think about this: the person who owes you an apology is probably never going to apologize, because that would make them wrong. This person probably doesn’t even think about the event, or you, anymore. Letting go means you allow yourself to move on, having learned a little more about humanity.

Forgiveness is what allows you closure

Every time you catch yourself thinking about what happened, don’t give them the time of day. Everyone get’s what they deserve in the end.

Don’t waste your thoughts on a person who doesn’t deserve them.

I’m still working on forgiving the teacher who assaulted me, but I’ve gotten much better.

And if you’re reading this, unnamed person : I forgive you


Mantra Monday: Week of 7/20


This week, embrace the imperfections in your life. Use the things that annoy you to make yourself better. Neighbor’s dog won’t stop barking? Use the irritation as an opportunity to learn the art drowning out the noise around you. Sick? Allow yourself this time to rest and reflect on the importance of health. Regardless, don’t let the little things keep you from living a full life.

Remember to breathe!
